Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Unsolicited Email

I am always amused at some of the “forwarded” email I receive. Most of it is deleted without being opened. I usually don’t get offended by the content, considering I doubt most people put much thought into what it is they are actually forwarding. However, lately I have become somewhat annoyed by much of the “pass around” propaganda.

For the record, in the event anyone was wondering, I am against the death penalty, I want hand guns outlawed, I was never in favor of attacking Iraq, I fear stem cell research, I revere the Pope as the head of the Catholic Church, I am not in awe of George Bush, I am neither a true Republican or Democrat, I don’t believe anyone “decided” to be gay and I believe life begins at the moment of conception.

Therefore, if you have an email you are considering forwarding to half the free world and it makes fun of Catholics or praises brave citizens for shooting trespassers, just delete my name. Even if it is a neat email with the flag in the back ground.

Common sense should tell you it is necessary to really know the intended recipient prior to sending some email. Evidently, I am either not known very well or I don’t live a life representative of my beliefs. In either instance, I apologize.

Whew! Glad I got that off my chest!

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