Monday, April 28, 2008


For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required; and to whom men have committed much, of him they will the more.” Luke 12:48

I think about this scripture constantly. In fact, a day doesn’t pass that I don’t recite and ponder it. Maybe I think, if I repeat the words over and over, some how I will be able to fully grasp the meaning. So far, no luck.

Abundances and blessings actually frighten me. I worry about the responsibility that accompanies their possession. I recognize blessings as gifts, free, no charge, just provided through grace. The scary part is knowing along with the gift is an expectation.

In my younger years I reasoned I had been blessed monetarily, therefore, all I needed to do was contribute monetarily back to society. Easy! Just hand me my checkbook! It’s a done deal. Evidently, I must be growing in wisdom as I recognize what is “required” is not that simple.

I work along side my closest family members. (Another blessing) Together we face daily situations that require ethical decisions. Decisions that impact the lives of our 77 employees, their families, thousands of insured’s and their families. We certainly are not operating in a vacuum. But how do we know we are making the right decisions? What if we aren’t? What happens to those people? This responsibility goes way past providing food, shelter, clothing and an education to your own offspring.

“to whom much is given, shall much be required…” What exactly is required? How have I used my blessings? What have I done to improve life on earth? What difference have I made to mankind, the planet, or more importantly, to the glorification of God?

This entry has no conclusion. I really wish it did.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Yaea Jan you got the Blog started! I wandered how it was going. Thanks for reading Reese's blog.